Downtown Sioux Falls – Amazing!

Downtown Sioux Falls (DTSF) was founded over 20 years ago to help establish downtown as THE place to be. They have succeeded in spades! When you are looking for things to do in Sioux Falls, downtown is at the top of the list!

In the late 70’s, early 80’s downtown Sioux Falls was not a destination. There were empty store fronts, little traffic and little pride in the downtown area. But, today, downtown is Sioux Falls’ hot spot. Thanks, in part, to Downtown Sioux Falls. They continue to promote/sponsor events to keep the focus and the fun downtown.

This March is the 6th annual Mash Madness. Five downtown breweries participate by brewing a specialty beer for the contest. Customers order the madness beer and vote on qualities such as aroma, balance of flavor and creativity of the beer. Such a fun way to try out new beers and perhaps expand your palate into a variety that you may have never tried otherwise.

In April, DTSF is promoting Downtown Restaurant Week. With the same idea as Mash Madness, DTSF has asked participating restaurants to come up with exclusive creations that will only be available for ONE WEEK! Some locations are doing a complete three course meal, some are doing just an entrée or an appetizer. So many amazing tastes will be available for one week only!

The best news is….Sioux Falls Food Tours will be partnering with DTSF and Think3D! to provide two food tours that will explore 3 different locations and their special offerings! We are so excited to be a part of it all!

Us, here at Sioux Falls Food Tours, want to give a shout out to DTSF! With diligence and continuing excitement, Downtown Sioux Falls continues to champion for our amazing city and the extraordinary community that has developed in the heart of Sioux Falls. Kudos to all that you do!

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